New Beginning of Love
The World
Nancy Wallace, author, intuitive life coach, psychic, experienced radio host and cable TV host, covers the spiritual fields and much, much more.
Nancy’s new book, “Raised By Angels”, is available here.
Nancy is the founder of a 501c3, a not for profit organization called: ‘A Child’s Miracle Mind, Inc.’ Our mission statement is: To provide a different approach to understanding the makeup of the behavioral aspects of the child’s mind. Drawing upon new and advanced approaches, to consistently explore remedies and relief to aid and assist parents and children who have been labeled with ADD/ADHD and or problem children. To heighten performance in school and in personal growth without the over use of prescription drugs. Part of “A Child’s Miracle Mind, Inc.”,is also to start a new school called, ‘The School of Now’. Our motto is: “For every Child there is an awakening.” To find out more about this worthwhile organization and ‘The School of Now’, please go to their web-site:
You can contact Nancy by phone at (630) 941-6816 or you can email her at
Nancy Wallace has accomplished a level of psychic ability which is almost unheard of. From early childhood through adulthood. Nancy has been guided by angels. You will learn how angels have provided insight through precognition and interpretation of the Tarot. This extraordinary biography will help you understand the commitment Nancy has made to promote the understanding of psychic ability.
Nancy has written and published her autobiography, ‘Raised By Angels’. The unique feature of ‘Raised By Angels’ is that it is a self-help book. The information has been channeled by the angels to help Nancy help others to rise to a higher consciousness. Nancy’s story is compelling, exciting and passionate. There is much humor and sentiment contained within the pages. Positive affirmations and other techniques are suggested to assist the reader in meeting their challenges and breaking the bonds with fear and repeated negative patterns. ‘Raised By Angels’ also alters the misconceptions of what being ‘psychic’ really is. Nancy is the owner and founder of Psychic Resources. She has been doing intuitive life coaching for over 30 years. Nancy uses her tarot cards to help interpret the fifty words a second that comes through her during a counseling session. The cards displayed on the web site are a few cards from Nancy’s deck that she used for over 25 years. They show the wear from all of the love that has been demonstrated to her clients. You may wonder how she has read them, most of the pictures are missing and they have grooves in the sides from the way she shuffles. Nancy has established a clientele of hundreds of clients and probably into the thousands of clients across the United States and Europe.
Her gift goes back to when she was a child and could see things happen before they happened. With her compassion for people and the knowledge that she has makes Nancy an excellent guest speaker and teacher. She is a delight to have at any party, or event or to have her do a private counseling session for you. Nancy does counseling sessions in person or by phone. Her sessions are 30 minutes. Your session will be recorded if you are in person.
She has the ability to focus on pertinent issues and to be honest with the sensitivity to make the truth easier to understand. Her accuracy will amaze you, the review of the past, present and future will simply astound you! Nancy also does pet readings. She has been reading pets as long as she can remember. Nancy says that pets are easier to read than a person is because pets have their own psychic abilities without the hang-ups of anyone telling them they can’t. Nancy has produced two cable TV talk shows, a radio talk show and now hosts an inter-net radio show. Nancy continues to grow, check back to her web-site often to see where is going to be doing and where.
Nancy is the founder of a 501c3, a not for profit organization called:
A Child’s Miracle Mind
Our motto is: “For every young mind there is an awakening”.
Our Mission Statement: To provide a different approach to understanding the makeup of the behavioral aspects of a child. Drawing upon new and advanced approaches, to consistently explore remedies and relief to aid and assist parents and children who have been labeled ADHD and/or children with behavioral issues. And, to heighten performance in school and personal growth.
Our goal is to also help the 20% of children who slip through the system because they don’t fit into the “bell curve”. Some of the other programs to come are The School of Now and The Miracle Mind Institute. Click on “The School of Now” button for more information.
Nancy is in the process of creating a documentary about the way Baby Boomers who would have been labeled ADD/ADHD or behavior issues were treated versus how the children of now are treated using prescription drugs. And the long term effects of these treatments.
Nancy hosted her own Cable TV show broadcast from Zion, Illinois for ten years called “Psychic R U”.
Currently Nancy hosts two weekly internet radio broadcasts on Sunday evening at 6:00 PM Central Time at and on Monday evening at 6PM Central Time at You can listen and participate at both web stations.
Click on the internet radio station name and you will be taken to the correct website.
Nancy’s growth continues…. Nancy has added to her repertoire: Remote Viewing and Auric Field Clearings, Medical Intuitive Consulting and her growth continues even more!!!
Prince of Wands
Ten of Swords
Back of New Cards
Please note that the cards displayed on this page were used by Nancy for 25 years. The revolving cards on the banner are the way they originally looked.