None of us would assume that Einstein was easy to educate. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo daVinci, the Wright Brothers and Benjamin Franklin were also problematic students. The national ADD/ADHD organization, otherwise known as the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, has researched their biographies and concluded that they and approximately eighty other historical figures recognized as geniuses had ADD/ADHD.
The positive side of ADD/ADHD is that the individuals are usually enthusiastic, empathetic and have high energy. Often they are ahead of their time in their chosen vocation. They can be disorganized and impatient. Their area of interest usually is very focused causing an outward appearance of disorganized behavior. Their focus is usually very intense and almost obsessive. In many cases this focus will manifest itself later in life. It has been suggested that they are genetically coded with an ability that is necessary for human survival and evolution. They have a sixth sense and are gifted at problem solving.
Some people are of the opinion that students with ADD/ADHD engage in lateral thinking. Lateral thinking is a method of problem solving concerned with changing concepts and perceptions. Lateral thinking is reasoning that is intuitive and not necessarily linear in its approach to the solution. It is about approaching solutions that may not be obtained through conventional reasoning and thought process. Students with ADD/ADHD think outside the box and do not fit into the traditional bell curve of educational placement. The existing educational system strives to make these students fit into standardized school environments. For many of these students this is a severe detriment to their individual development and education.
According to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association three to five percent of the world’s population has ADD/ADHD. Only half of the students with this condition ever complete high school. If their destiny is to contribute to the survival and evolution of their world, the non-profit organization ‘A Child’s Miracle Mind Inc.’, a 501c3 organization, would provide an alternative educational environment for these children so that their purpose can be better discovered, understood and fulfilled.
In most cases, individuals who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD are prescribed medication to deal with the seemingly erratic behavior. Although the medications may treat outward symptoms of ADD/ADHD, we evaluate the individual and work towards recognizing the root behavior and focus their energies to constructive activities and behavior.
Many alternative techniques and methods will be the first choice rather than the prescription drugs which are given so freely. There are many dangerous side effects to the prescription drugs now used for ADD/ADHD. The three major areas of concern and areas of continued research are:
The long-term impact of ADD/ADHD medication on the youthful, developing brain is not yet known
Cardiovascular effects – such as heart attack among young children being prescribed these medications
Psychiatric problems/suicidal tendencies
The School of Now would offer daily curriculum and offer dormitory facilities for grades K through 12. It is envisioned architecturally as a series of multiple domes and a gymnasium. With the layout of the domes in a pyramid shape there will be an enclosed courtyard for safety, vegetable and flower gardens all in a park like setting. Plants and flowers would be abundant not only within the courtyard but also within the classrooms. Alternating pastel lighting, natural wooden furniture and natural cotton sofas, cushions and pillows would enhance the ambiance of the classrooms.
The structures for the School of Now will be green. We will use solar panels for the heating of water. We will use solar panels to assist the heating/cooling and to provide electrical power to much of the building’s internal functions. Although the school will not be completely energy independent, it will not have a large energy foot print.
With each admission request, a numerological chart, an astrological chart, a palmistry print and an intuitive counseling session will be scheduled. This would give the faculty inclinations of each student’s unique destiny. Instructors and guest lecturers specializing in color therapy, healing energy, intuitive development, remote viewing, tai chi, yoga, meditation, channeling, and survival techniques will be available at the school. These areas of specialty will be scheduled and the individuals will learn aspects of these techniques and how to apply their learning in everyday life situations. Each month there will be a different specialist.
The traditional educational curriculum will be taught with the infusion of metaphysics. Subjects would be integrated and students would be interactive. The latest successful techniques for improving ADD/ADHD would be included such as the Wave-maker Machine, Bio-feedback machines, the Brain Gym, and the Feingold Diet.
It has been suggested that if the senses are heightened, learning is easier. Sound sensitivity would be aroused by harp music, classical music or tones playing softly in the background. Aromatherapy and floral scents will be present to arouse the sense of smell. Environmental lighting will be used with alternating pink, lavender and blue lights to arouse an individual’s eye sensitivity. Natural surfaces and fabrics will be comforting to the sense of touch. A natural whole-food diet will satisfy the sense of taste.
This vison will cost about fifteen million dollars. It could be anywhere, but the current preference is the New Mexico/Texas border. Land donations, services donations, material donations, Last Will and Testament considerations and money are all welcomed. Will you help this worthwhile cause so that this dream will reach the eyes and ears of those who will contribute? Let’s all help the dream of the School of Now become a reality.
If these children truly behold an ability to contribute to humanity’s survival and evolution, it would be the pleasure of A Child’s Miracle Mind, Inc. to provide an educational environment as unique as these children.
For more information contact Nancy.
For more information about The School of Now go to